"The Most Magical Place on Earth"

Thursday, May 3, 2012 0 comments
We're headed to Disney World!  I'm so excited - we're chaperoning the senior class again.  And, this time, we know most of them from Cross Current.  I am glad we'll get an opportunity to know them more and to talk to them with fewer people around.

I am a little nervous that with being pregnant I won't be able to keep up.  I think everything will be ok, but this is definitely going to be a new experience for me and I don't want anything to happen. I don't want to be boring or separated from the group so much.  I'm pretty sure that's inevitable.  Oh well - it'll give me a chance to find some cute, little Mickey Mouse ears ;)

I still worry that I won't connect with the class as much as I want to - Shawn has a much easier time with that.  But, I know that isn't what is most important.  Yes I want God to use me, but I am hoping and praying that God makes an impact on their hearts this week.  I am not the One who changes hearts, but I want so badly to be used.


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