So, even though Shawn and I don't have a house yet - I have still pretty much planned what I want to do. That's just the kind of person I am. I like to be prepared and have an idea of what I want. Plus, it's FUN! Anyway, I don't know how many rooms we'll have or how they'll pan out, but here's kind of what I want - not that anyone asked ;)

* Bedroom: I'd like to do gray, with gray and white stripes underneath a chair rail. Then, I want the furniture to be really dark or black wood. The comforter and other accents are going to be a really deep purple. Shawn has agreed to this, because it's not really girly and he can "live with" dark purple.
* Living Room: I'm trying to find the "perfect" shade of green. I would like an off-white/ivory sofa and then some pale purple thrown in, too. Here's my inspiration -
* Bathroom: Pale yellow with navy (I like navy) and white.
* Kitchen: I know what this is going to be and I am extremely excited - I've had it planned for, like, years. The walls are going to be brown (the size will depend on what shade). Then, all along the top of the kitchen, in pale pink letters, I am going to stencil (?) the names of different coffee drinks. Of course, there will be pictures of coffee everywhere (tastefully, of course).
Now, the trick is going to be getting it all to "flow" well. I'm not sure that is possible, but I have enjoyed thinking about it. It's one more thing out of the way, right?
I so badly want the house from Marley & Me. If you've seen the movie, you probably know which one I mean - the one they live in when they move to Pennsylvania. That would be my dream home. I couldn't find the exact house, so this is just the most similar house I could find:

awesome ideas!! you might want a darker sofa if you plan on kids in the first few years though!! I love the kitchen idea... it is so "YOU" :)
thanks! i am MOST excited about the kitchen. it has to be "perfect," because i know i will be spending a lot of time there :)
i thought about the sofa, too. but, tara said hers isn't too bad and really easy to clean... we'll see - i am pretty ocd about dirt. lol
I love the last comment..hehe...The house is really pretty...I'm sure you can find a farm house like that around here, as in Harford County :) I agree with Shawn, living on a farm would be so much fun. Definitely lots of work too, though.
i would love a farm (i know, shocker, right?)! i just have a few conditions :P
You can use the Cricut to make the stencils !!!That would be awesome fun...this is Patti not John
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