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Sunday, November 8, 2009 1 comments
So, after five years of waiting - I finally took the plunge. And did this...

I finally cut my hair! I'd been growing it out for about five years since Shawn and I started dating. (Yes, I knew we were going to get married that soon - lol). I was really nervous about it, because I've only had short hair one time in my life and that was a disaster. But, I've been dying to do something different. Even though I love my curly hair, there isn't too much you can do to make it look different.

Shawn got tired of my complaining about how I never get to do anything different and told me, "you have to just do it, your hair will grow back, blahblahblah." Of course, he doesn't really care what I choose to do, but I did the push. I mean, everything else in my life has changed in the past year. So, why not this small thing too?

The result? I aboslutely LOVE it! For once I feel like I really got my money's worth. It only takes 15 minutes to do - a major plus.

Whaddaya think?


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