1 Month to Go...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 1 comments
It finally sunk in the other night (while I was lying in bed) that I am getting married in 4 weeks! This past year flew by - really. I can't believe that in just 1 month I am going to be (another) Mrs. Trautman. It's weird, everyone said this year would seem really long for me. It had been the complete opposite. I don't regret waiting a year to get married. It wouldn't have been good if we'd done it sooner. The year was perfect for us. We got a lot done and were able to save in some ways and be more prepared.

I panicked the other night, though. I thought I was going to have a full-blown attack. One month?!?! I'm ready, yes. But, there's so much still to be done. And, with the new house, I haven't even cared about the wedding - much less even thought about it much. I'm very frustrated with myself for pushing it all to the side. This is not the way I typically do things - I am organized and detailed. i don't leave things until the last minute.

But, this has worn me out. And, now I am so afraid it won't all get done. It doesn't even seem possible. I feel like I could dissolve into a puddle of tears at any second...


  • Davesgirl said...

    I hope you are feeling better now! I know that panicky feeling- no fun. But I bet that it is all coming together now- the last couple weeks are such a flurry! It will fly by, then you'll be MARRIED!!

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