My Best Yard Sale Purchase Yet!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1 comments
Mom & I went yard saling (how do you even spell that?) this past Saturday and I found a lot of stuff - for under $20. That's a great bargain, if you ask me.

Here's what I got:

Scattegories, glass canisters and jars, a trifle bowl, a pitcher (one we had actually registered for) that came with 2 margarita glasses, and a biscuit cutter.

But that's not all... I still haven't showed you my favorite purchase. It's this:

This beautiful memo board / organizer from Pottery Barn. It was only $10 and had never been used. Now, you know that they cost so much more at Pottery Barn. I love it. It suits my compulsive organization well. It's perfect. *Sigh*

I love yard sales! One more week of it before we have a house and then I'll be busy getting that ready... We settle on Monday!!!


  • Abby said...

    Yay...Scattegories....we just played that on Sunday. The kids are old enough now to play individually instead of on teams. We love it!! You sure find some great deals...great memo board..that would suit me too!!

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