The Son of God became the servant of God in order to fulfill the mission of God. ~ J. Oswald Sanders
Last summer, Shawn and I joined the family small group at our church. We began the 2:7 Series and this fall/winter we finished Book 2, Deepening Your Roots in God's Family. The second book was about sharing your testimony and being your witness. Being in small groups has been such a blessing to me, I really feel like I've learned a lot.
This is from one of the lessons that I got a lot out of:
"Serving is one of the greatest challeges in the life of a disciple. Everyone enjoys being served, but few make and effort to serve others. People don't mind being called servants, but they don't want to be treated as servants. The mature Christian is marked by what he will do for others without expecting anything in return." ~ Deepening Your Roots in God's Family
Do I really serve enough? I mean, I know I help out where I can, but do I do it for the right reasons? Or, do I expect something in return? I don't really enjoy being in the spotlight, but I must admit - I like when people notice what I am doing. Doesn't everyone? That shouldn't be my reason for doing things, though. It's a hard lesson to learn...
good questions to ask ourselves...
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